Calendar Fields Mapping Between Outlook, Google and iCloud

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

4Team Sync products like Sync2, Sync2 Cloud, and SyncGene can sync calendar events(appointments) between different services like Outlook, Google, and iCloud. But, because these services differ from one another, not everything can be synchronized between them.



How calendar fields are mapped between different services

Main calendar fields are mapped, but because Outlook/Exchange has so much customization available and Google/iCloud calendar event customization is fairly limited in comparison, most secondary Outlook calendar fields cannot be mapped because Google and iCloud simply do not have such counterparts to map with Outlook and therefore - cannot be synchronized.

Mapped fields

These are the main Calendar fields that are mapped across different services.



Unmapped fields

These are the secondary(custom) Calendar fields that have no counterparts between services and therefore - cannot be mapped.




  • Field names can be unclear to some users, so if you have any questions about it - feel free to contact us.


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